First Visit Experience


Of course we have some paperwork to complete if you have not completed it at home already. Although some questions may not appear to be related to your problem, the more information we have the better we are able to help you. Remember we treat the Whole body.

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Water is our most precious resource -- and we are quickly depleting our limited supplies. Water is the key to life as it controls every function from circulation to body temperature. Your body is approximately 70% water. It is sad that the purity of potable water has become a national issue of frightening proportions. We all take our drinking water for granted, until we travel to Mexico, China or India where the maxim is “don’t drink the water.” Although the dangers of water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid and dysentery have been eradicated in our country, there is a more serious threat to contend with now --carcinogenic organic and inorganic compounds that pollute our water.

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The study of human nutrition is dedicated to determining which nutrients man requires for proper growth, development and well-being. The scientific study of nutrition is a relatively new field -- begun approximately 100 years ago -- that draws heavily on the fundamentals of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, medicine, pathology, physics and cellular biology. By its nature, nutrition is an area that relies on the technological advances of these disciplines in order to demonstrate progress.

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What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound derived from agricultural hemp that positively impacts nearly every organ system of the body. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a network of cell receptor proteins whose main tasks are maintaining homeostasis, stress recovery, neuroprotection, and overall immune health. When phytocannabinoids like CBD are introduced into the bloodstream, they interact with receptors in the ECS and boost its functions.

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Holidays and Stress

Holiday time can be one of the most stressful times of the year for many people. Whether it is thinking about loved ones who are gone, or getting together with relatives you’d prefer to avoid, or partying — holiday time is stressful and that means decreased resistance and increased possibility of illness or injury.

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